About the Book:
Author Mini-view:
Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing. (How did you get started? How many books have you written? Where are you on your writing journey?)
Like so many authors, I've been writing since childhood. I guess you could say it's a God given talent and I regard it as a gift. I was first published in 3rd grade in a scholastic magazine. From then on, I was hooked. As an adult I always wrote non-fiction in the form of articles, essays, and mostly devotionals. But about 6 years ago I wrote a novel on a dare from a friend and found my love for writing fiction. Since I grew up with a father who loved history and took us to every museum we passed by, historical fiction has been my passion. I am currently working on a story about sisters trying to survive the depression in the drought stricken mid-west. I hope to make that my first series.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
My favorite Bible verse is Galatians 2:20. Someone wrote it in my Bible when I was a teenager and It's stuck in my heart.
What have you read lately that you would recommend?
I recently finished Kate Breslin's For Such a Time. It's a great WW2 read and very well written. I also highly recommend James L. Rubart's The Five Times I Met Myself.
What book are you featuring today?
Emancipated Heart. Here is the opening few paragraphs:
"May 1945, Grand Peak Internment Camp, Wyoming
Today Papa was going to prison. Never mind that he was already in a prison of sorts, confined to a 46,000 acre camp surrounded by a barbed wire fence. And never mind that he was an innocent man.
The howling wind grated against Hana Kato’s frayed nerves. All night it had persisted, sifting dirt through the small cracks in the family’s barrack cubicle. Any other day her mother would scold her brother, Martin, directing him where to stuff mud in the holes in the floor and walls to keep out the dust. Today it didn’t seem important. Today none of them could even fill the holes in their hearts."
If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
I would like my readers to know that the characters in my books are survivors, and through them we can capture a glimpse of the perseverance and endurance that God gives all of us who struggle. Whether it's in man's inhumanity to man, "acts of God" upon the earth, war, or our own mistakes, we can know God provides, and changes us in the process.