We’ve driven through a bunch of mountains this week. Driving from north Georgia to Gatlinburg, Tennessee and back again will give you quite a view. If you’ve never been through there in the fall months, I highly recommend it. The mountains bursting with brilliant fall colors is enough to bring tears to your eyes. (The picture was as close as I could find.) It’s a great way to gain some perspective, too. When you’re a tiny speck on the top of a mountain, all of a sudden you don’t seem so significant.
I don’t know if it’s like this for anybody else, but long car trips give me plenty of time to think. Subsequently, that’s when I do some of my best writing. So, while we were
driving, I jotted down some of the things that God has brought to my mind this
When we were driving up here the other day, it was a miserable day. Rainy, foggy, cloudy, cold… It was pretty horrible. Because of the elements, we couldn’t see the beautiful, breath-taking sights that we usually see. Although we were up on the mountain, “above it all”; victorious in our travels, we couldn’t see it. It was very disappointing. When we drove down a few days later, it was a beautiful day. The sunshine, bright blue sky, and fluffy white clouds made a gorgeous backdrop for the multi-colored mountains. We were able to enjoy the view all the way down.
That reminds me of how life is sometimes. We keep pushing forward, climbing that mountain one step at a time. The enemy can make it so hazy and miserable that we can’t see our progress, even when we are farther along than we think. We get bogged down
in feelings of defeat and despair, buying into the lie that we aren’t making a difference or that we will never make it to the top.
If that’s you today, please don’t give up. As the old song says, “The help that comes tomorrow won’t help if you give up today.” Just keep hanging in there. You never know when those clouds will split and the beauty of God’s grace will burst through, just like a rainbow. A rainbow is never more brilliant than when the storms are at their worst. The beauty is more pronounced in hardship than it is in peace. So don’t give up. Keep climbing and see what tomorrow brings. If you don’t lose hope, you will see that beauty
I’m talking about.
Lord, I pray that you bless everyone who reads this post today. Please meet them where they are. Show them your awesome mercy, power, and glory. Please give them the strength they need to keep climbing. I thank you for all You have done and for proving Your love for us time and time again. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for reading, my friends. I hope my fledgling attempt at a devotional wasn't too horrible to endure. ;) See you next week and God bless!