Author Mini-view:
Anyhoo, let's get this interview started! Harry Wegley is joining us today and he is featuring his book "Voice in the Wilderness."
Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing. (How did you get started? How many books have you written? Where are you on your writing journey?)
I worked many years as a weather forecaster and then a research scientist in atmospheric physics. So, during the late 1970s, I began publishing in the scientific literature. But it wasn’t until after my wife and I retired that I wrote my first novel, Hide and Seek. That was 2010 and I’ve been writing novels ever since. What can I say, I was hooked on the creativity that fiction offers. With novels, our imaginations are our only limits. With research reports and journal articles it’s, “Just give me the facts, ma’am.” If you don’t know where that line came from, then you’re at least a generation younger than me.
I’m currently finishing my ninth novel. My first four novels were traditionally published. My fifth is being evaluated by an agent. My sixth and ninth will be part of a 3-book series. My eighth story, Voice in the Wilderness, is available as an ARC and will release in February 2016 as book 1 in that 3-book series, Against All Enemies. My wife and I, as well as my marketing director, think this might be a breakout novel for me. Special, secret plans are being made for my seventh novel.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
My wife and I are both in the final year of our three score and ten. As my body becomes a better weather forecaster than I ever was, certain verses become more meaningful, verses like 1 Corinthians 15:54
When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
Can’t wait for that imperishable body.
What have you read lately that you would recommend?
Charles Martin’s Water from My Heart is a beautifully told story of forgiveness and redemption. He writes in a first-person, past tense, deep POV, so you really get to know his main character. If you read the story, be sure not to skip the author’s notes in the back. They put the story in a deeper Christian context.
What book are you featuring today?
I’m featuring my political thriller, with romance, Voice in the Wilderness. How do you get women to read a political thriller? That’s easy. Just ask Susan May Warren to help you splice the romance into the thriller plot. I asked. She helped. And the results have blown away me, as well as a lot of early reviewers. Here’s the blurb:
What if your blog could save the nation, but posting to it might cost your life?
As catastrophes drive the US into martial law, all eyes are on America, waiting to see what emerges. KC Banning, network specialist, discovers President Hannan’s tyrannical plans and is branded a terrorist, sending her fleeing the Beltway to find her childhood soulmate and protector, Brock Daniels. Brock, a writer and man of faith, gives CPR to a dying nation through his blog, which is read by military members still loyal to the Constitution. But starting a grassroots resistance while reconciling KC’s and Brock’s broken relationship proves difficult. When Hannan sends Special Forces to kill Brock and KC, starting a war in the Central Oregon desert, reconciliation, like staying alive, might be impossible.
Set in Washington DC and near Crooked River Ranch in the Central Oregon desert, Voice in the Wilderness, Book 1 of the Against All Enemies Series, is a political thriller, with romance, about two people who must decide if they’re willing to sacrifice their lives to prevent the USA from becoming the Dystopian States of America.
If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
As a retired meteorologist who now writes inspirational thrillers and suspense novels, readers can count on my stories having a climate of suspense and a forecast of stormy weather.
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