Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog. I appreciate it very much!
I've always loved to read and have wanted to be a writer since childhood. One of my first stories started out as a funny email to a friend. As we bounced emails back and forth to make each other laugh, a plot for the story started to form. After that, I gave her a page or two of the story each day until it was done. I enjoyed writing it so much, and finishing it was a great experience. Right now, I have three published books, and have two works in progress.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Eph. 2:10
What have you read lately that you would recommend?
Right now I'm reading "His Perfect Love," by Sharon K. Connell. The novel is a Romantic Suspense that will be published soon. I can't stop thinking about it -- definitely a page turner.
What book are you featuring today?
I'm featuring a Romantic Comedy with Suspense, "A Chance Mistake."
A Vacation Takes a Funny Turn -
By the flip of a coin, famous novelist, Kory Slate travels to Wales intent on finding rest and relaxation. His latest best seller has left him freaked out, and he begins to suspect that he’s being followed. Is he the target of a nefarious scheme? Has his money-making imagination veered out of control? An array of Kory’s books in a Welsh bookstore window pulls him into the shop to browse. He is astonished to meet Dafina Perry, the living image of a female character in his last book. As his vacation progresses down its unusual track, he finds himself inexplicably entangled in her family drama as he ends up playing the part of her husband. Dafina, struggling with betrayal and potential loss, worries about the welfare of the handsome, brilliant novelist. Will helping him bring unexpected love and happiness to her life? Or will her good intentions invoke destruction for them both?
If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
I write with a passion to entertain along with giving the reader something good to think about that maybe they haven't thought about before.
About the Author:
His paranoid editor had been right, at least about one thing. Kory needed an updated passport. Good thing he got one and had it on him. In the back of his mind, he must’ve toyed with a foreign destination. But Wales?
He hefted his backpack in the overflowing compartment above his seat and jammed it in. He dropped down into the aisle seat. A quick glance over his shoulder told him the two men had found seats—aisle seats catty-cornered from him. One man sat four seats behind him and the other six. Weird. Nothing stood out about their appearance, except the taller one closest to him had tattered green shoe laces.
If he had to identify them in a line-up, it would be near impossible. Both had a medium build. Their jeans with muted t-shirts and hoodies could belong to anyone.
Kind of took on the air of his first manuscript that lay moldering in his old bedroom closet. The hero of the story had been tailed for close to three months by two nefarious thugs. He was unaware of his shadows until the day he put it all together. The near fatal ‘accidents’ that the main character experienced were orchestrated.
The novel seemed to capture his essence, since it had been his first attempt at storytelling. His close friends and family—well—the ones he could get to read it—raved about it. His editor said to keep his focus on the next new thing.
Yeah, right. But with six best sellers in two and a half years, he needed to clear his mind. Step off the train for a while. Do a mental cleanse and stay away from Facebook. His editor had balked at Kory’s announcement that he was slipping off the grid for a couple of months, maybe more. No social media. No writing. And where was he going? Sorry, Ed. Can’t tell ya. Kory didn’t know the answer himself. Only that New York City wouldn’t be seeing him for quite some time.
A blur caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, causing a sinking dread. Too much like his last book and, he hated to admit it, probably the real reason for the needed break. An unwanted shiver raced down his neck to his spine.