About the Book:
Author Mini-view:
I started writing novels as a NaNoWriMo challenge in 2002. Before that, I wrote short stories, devotionals, poetry, greeting cards, magazine articles. But I love books the best! I've written more than 20 books, but recently started in the publishing journey with the release of the stories closest to my heart, the By the Numbers series, featuring Carly Turnquist, forensic accountant.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse?
My favorite Bible verse is Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God"
3. What have you read lately that you would recommend?
I recently read "In the Blink of an Eye" by Wendy Staub, which I would recommend if you like suspense. Spoiler alert: it contains elements of the spirit world.
4. What book are you featuring today?
Today I am featuring "Unbalanced", book 3 in the series. Carly Turnquist, forensic accountant, is in the middle of wedding plans for her son, when she sees a bank robbery everybody else denies happened. Then her husband's long-lost brother shows up but leaves soon after, abandoning his young son behind. And when the story about Carly spotting the non-existent bank robbery hits the national news, her credibility is called into question. Can she figure out what's going on, or is she really losing her mind?