Happy Tuesday!
Author Mini-view:
I think I have tried it all, beginning when I was in junior high when I wrote poetry. In addition I have written inspirational essays, children’s stories, devotionals, novels and short stories. Where Hope Starts, the first book in the Applewood Hill series, is my first published novel.
There is a fun story about the first novel I wrote. It began when a critique partner challenged me to write more descriptions for a children’s story that I was working on.
I am currently releasing my second book in the series, Where Healing Starts, and I am writing the first draft of book 3.
#2. What is your favorite Bible verse?
"Therefore this is what the LORD says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman." Jeremiah 15:19a
#3. What have you read lately that you would recommend?
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. This book is great. It gets to the heart of what it means to follow Jesus.
#4. What book are you featuring today?
Where Healing Starts continues the story of the Hannigan family which began in the first book of the Applewood Hill series.
After turning his life over to God, Charles Hannigan is seeking to restore the family to wholeness, but Joanna and Blake want no part of their dad’s efforts. Still hurting from his past anger and rejection, each sibling is on a path toward self-destruction.
Blake is unwittingly following in his father’s footsteps, anger punctuating all his relationships. His brief time serving in the Marines led to PTSD, increases his volatility.
Rejected by the only one she ever trusted, Joanna runs to addiction and men to salve her pain. She eventually finds herself with nowhere else to turn and asks their older sister Karen for a job and a place to stay.
Both Blake and Joanna are determined to hang onto their anger, refusing to forgive. They see no reason to trust God. This novel is about their journey towards healing.
Read the first chapter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwkAhFCBpzf4VWdnMTNrN1o0SVVqUUR4c0NNc0FJd0xZOWY0/view?usp=sharing
#5. If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
God is in the business of healing and restoring. When we bring our brokenness to Him, He will make us new.