About the Book:
Not Alone: A Literary and Spiritual Companion for Those Confronted with Infertility and Miscarriage is a resource both for those who have suffered through these experiences and for their friends and relatives, who want to understand what their loved ones are going through.
This collection contains true stories that are:
* sensitive, and yet honest
* angry and raw, but not despairing
* unique, and yet relatable
The contributors to this book are male and female, old and young, some who eventually had children and some who never did, and yet despite their differences, they share a common grief and a common faith.
No experience of miscarriage and infertility is like any other, yet by reading these painful and hope-filled stories, you'll be comforted by knowing there are others who understand the journey you're on, the loss you've suffered, and you will find that even though your loss is uniquely yours, you are not alone.
Author Mini-view:
While I've published both non-fiction articles and short stories, both of my full-length books are actually books where I served as a contributing editor, rather than the sole author.
The great joy of being an editor is that I get to help other people tell their stories. It's an honor to be trusted with their words.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse?
I don't have a favorite Bible verse! But in my devotions this week, I found myself lingering in Psalm 4, where it says, "Many are saying, who will show us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us."
In a time when it so often feels like all the news is bad news, this verse made me take heart. Goodness is still where it has always been: in the light of our Lord's presence.
3. What have you read lately that you would recommend?
I just finished "The Dean's Watch", by Elizabeth Goudge. It was my first time reading her, can you believe it? What a discovery! The beginning was a bit slow-going, but it completely won my heart only a few chapters in, and proceeded to delight me over and over. I can't wait to read more of her backlist!
4. What book are you featuring today?
The book I'm featuring today is "Not Alone: A Literary Companion For Those Confronted with Miscarriage and Infertility".
I know that's a mouthful of a subtitle! But we wanted readers to know what they were picking up.
"Literary" because it's a book of essays. So very many people have shared this kind of suffering and so we wanted to feature a multitude of perspectives.
"Companion" because the longing for a child -- either one you've lost or one you've never had -- can be a very lonely kind of suffering. We wanted people to know this book was full of people who had been there too, who want to walk beside you in your grief.
And "Confronted" because this isn't something you ask for. It's something that comes upon you when you never wanted it and weren't looking for it.
This is a book that doesn't pretend that these things are easy, but also confirms that God is good. And those two truths: that there is real sorrow and a good God who loves us ... those can be hard to reconcile. The contributors to "Not Alone" were really honest about *both*, and I think it's that honesty that makes the book so valuable.
5. If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
Keep going. Probably there will be someone reading this today who is wondering if she should just give up. My message is: don't. Evil and suffering are real, but God is more real. In the dark & dry times, placing one foot in front of the other is an act of great courage. Ask for help: asking is also an act of great courage. It may take a while to feel like it's true, but you are loved and God is good. Trust what you saw in the light and keep going.