Book Blurb:
Lillian Rauling is among four English women on a ship bound for matrimony. She’s the orphaned daughter of a once-famous opera singer, and her beauty has been nothing but a curse. This time that curse has driven her to flee the authorities and avoid prison by escaping to America. She daydreams that a rugged cowboy awaits her on the moonlit horizon, and that he’s able to see past her lovely face and into her lonely heart.
Little does she realize that true happiness lies in her willingness to look past a cowboy’s scarred face and into his godly heart—and that he has a voice so magnificent it will take her breath away.
Author Mini-view:
Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing. (How did you get started? How many books have you written? Where are you on your writing journey?)
My writing career began with getting up at 5:00 am five days a week and writing for a couple hours before going to my day job. My day job involved an eight hour day and two hour commute, so it was a long day. I did this for twenty years. Fortunately I can write full time now—well, except that I’ve gone back to college.
My debut novel Cowboy in the Moonlight just released through the Pelican Book Group. I’m working on a sequel Divided Heart, in which I’ve challenged myself to make a hero out of the antagonist in Cowboy.
What is your favorite Bible verse?
Offering a favorite Bible verse is a toughie. I read the Bible every morning and jot down in a journal verses that strike me and my insights. There is a Bible verse that inspires yet a third book in my Cowboy series—The Sinner and the Saint (in which I plan to use the antagonist from Divided Heart as the protagonist in that story):
I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19 (GNT)
Those last two words really speak to me. God urges us to “Choose life.”
What have you read lately that you would recommend?
Since I’m back to college working on a BA in English/Fiction, those demands are guzzling down most of my reading time.
What book are you featuring today?
The book I’m sharing today is my debut novel Cowboy in the Moonlight, which has a Beauty and the Beast plot, with a Christian twist:
An 1880s attempt at scientific matchmaking goes awry, and English fugitive Lillian Rauling is matched to scarred cowboy Zachariah Keene. Though she yearns to be loved for more than her beauty, can she, in turn, look beyond a man’s face and see the beautiful Godly heart within him?
If you could tell people who are going to read/have read your books one thing, what would it be?
If I could tell readers who’ve read or wish to read my book one thing, it would be, “Thank you.” I perceive writing as a relationship between writer and reader, a friendship in which we’ve shared something in common. When you read a book I’ve written, you’ve spend time with me, and that is a tremendous gift.
About the Author:
She recently retreated from New Hampshire, where there seemed to be only two seasons—nine months of great skiing and three months of lousy sledding. She moved to Southern Arizona where she now basks in the land of long summers.
You may visit Sheryl at
You may purchase Cowboy in the Moonlight in paperback or as an ebook at