June's Winners!
Before we go too far, here are the winners of last month's giveaways:
“In the Shadow of Sinai” – Maxie Anderson*
“The Note” – Linda Kish*
“Bees in the Butterfly Garden” – Patti H.*
* means that the winners have responded and claimed their prize.
Life Stuff:
Another type of freedom comes to my mind today, and that is the freedom that Jesus gives us. Being a follower of Jesus requires a willing and obedient heart. That’s it. In exchange, He gives us freedom from judgment, sin, fear, worry, unforgiveness, hatred, and everything else that trips us up. However, that freedom is only ours if we accept it. Wouldn't it be silly to choose to live our lives enslaved when we could be free? Then why do we do that in our spiritual lives?
My prayer for you today is that you will follow God’s leading in your life, accept His freedom, and celebrate both the freedom of our country as well as the freedom of your heart. Now, bring on the fireworks!
God bless you all and have a safe and fun holiday!
Writing Stuff:
That leads us into July, which just so happens to be the month that Camp NaNoWriMo is taking place. For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which is held in November every year, where thousands of participants write a novel in a month. Camp NaNoWriMo is the summer version, and it fits in with my plans perfectly.
So, by the end of the month, I plan to have the whole thing written. Wish me luck!
Writers, what are you working on this month? Is anyone here participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, too?
Reading Stuff:
Prayer Request Stuff:
My family’s bus was in the shop for the last few weeks, but the repairs weren't expensive and they are getting it back this weekend!
My sister’s wedding went off without a hitch last month.
Heidi P. has been healing from her surgery without any complications.
New Requests:
My dad, Paul – His medications are causing very low blood pressure. Please pray that this issue gets resolved quickly.
My sister-in-law, Autumn – she is pregnant and was admitted to the ER last week for passing out at work. Please pray that she and the baby will be healthy.
My family – Please pray for safety as they travel and minister.
Lisa Morris – a lady in my Bible study group who is in the hospital due to dizzy spells. Please pray for her health and wisdom for the doctors.
My husband, Ryan – He is sick with a cold this week. Please pray for his swift recovery.
Me – Please pray that I can overcome procrastination, distractions, and obstacles that block my writing process and that I will get this book finished by the deadline.
Reader Requests:
Maxie Anderson’s brother – cancer in three places on his face. Please pray for healing.
Connie Saunders – issues with her hip and back, and she is caring for her young grandchild. Please pray for healing and stamina for her.
Question of the Month (QOTM):
Giveaway Time!
The first giveaway should be live when this post goes live, so good luck, happy reading, and thanks again for visiting my blog!