Life Stuff:
We are on a health and exercise kick this month, so hopefully we will have some good news to report back to you next month. We’ve lost weight in the past by following the Trim Healthy Mama diet plan, so we will be doing that this month, as well as adding exercise in. That’s gonna be tough on this chocoholic couch potato, but our health is worth the sacrifice.
So, what’s up with you this month?
Writing Stuff:
*Adding 10,000 more words
* Editing it from beginning to end at least once
*Lots of Research
Wish me luck, friends!
Reading Stuff:
Prayer Request Stuff:
Mike W.'s heart problems are doing better.
Ryan's and my car issue has been resolved.
Tori H.'s head injury is healing well.
My dad's doctor lowered my dad's medicine, so he hasn't been as dizzy lately.
Thank you, Lord!
Prayer Requests:
Polly P. - her husband passed away this week.
Ryan and I - fighting allergies and a cold over the last week.
Melody D. - missionary in Nicaragua
My family - safety as they travel and sing
Heidi T. - a friend going through chemo right now, prayers for her family requested, too.
Please feel free to message your prayer requests to me and I'll add them to the list. God bless you, prayer warriors. Thank you for what you do.
Last Month's Winners:
Jenni Stearns
Jan Hall
All winners have been notified. Thanks for participating and I hope you enjoy your new books!